"Mou Kimi Igai Aisenai" or "I can't love anyone but you anymore" is a lovely ballad, but I can't help but think of it as The Saddest Love Song Ever. Not that there aren't more depressing songs out there about love - being denied, repressed, battling against other odds, ending badly - but this sticks out to me. The lyrics don't talk about breaking up, rather the opposite, but it still gives me a hopeless impression. It's one of my favorite of their songs, but it makes me ache inside.
It probably has more to do with the tune than the words. Kinki were told when their debut single came out - also a melancholy song, though it's about infidelity so it's more appropriate - that their voices were "suited to a minor key." This means a lot of their repertoire is very minor. And though I agree with that comment, and though I love the resulting music - I can't help but wonder if they couldn't also do the happy, care-free music of other J-Pop artists - if only for the sake of my achy-breaky heart. But then, if they did those songs they wouldn't be Kinki. And if I was a fan of that sort of artist, I wouldn't be Emily (The jury is still up on whether that would be a good thing or not.)
If you disappear even for a moment,
I become anxious.
Even for a moment, I can't be -
I don't want to be separated.
I can't love anyone but you,
No matter who else comes along.
I can't love anyone but you.
I promise you that, here and now.
Even if this world was destroyed,
The love I swore with you is eternal,
So the two of us will definitely be happy forever, forever.
If I become timid just for an moment,
You will probably become anxious.
Even for a moment, I can't -
I won't forget our dream.
I can't love anyone but you,
No matter what enemy comes along.
I can't love anyone but you.
Again I promise you that, right here.
Even if this world was destroyed,
The love I swore with you is eternal,
So the two of us will definitely be happy forever, forever.
I can't love anyone but you,
No matter who else comes along.
I can't love anyone but you.
I promise you that, here and now.
The only "happy" part of this performance are the sniggers I get from the odd hair and white suits (this was 2000, people), the flaily teenage backdancers, and the abuse of fog machines.
And of course, the joy of hearing really beautiful music.
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