Appropriately titled “Graduation” originally sung by Hikaru Genji, but I’m rather fond of this cover by Heike-ha, a temporary group made up of members from Tokio and V6.
We won't forget Graduation.
We will surely meet again,
And, unable to stop, we'll cry and cry.
Set out walking at Graduation,
You will always be yourself.
I can feel my breath
Grow just a touch hotter.
In my heart is the worry
That someone will notice.
In spring, at a bend in the road
I hesitate. Then I see you.
If we wave goodbye at Graduation,
We'll slip into the sky,
And becoming birds, fly and fly.
We whispered of it, Graduation -
Directly between joy and sorrow.
You keep swimming
Through the middle of a crowd.
Until we become old people someday.
When you catch hold of your dream,
Let's bring the hands of the clock together.
We won't forget Graduation.
We will surely meet again,
And, unable to stop, we'll cry and cry.
Set out walking at Graduation,
You will always be yourself.
If we wave goodbye at Graduation,
We'll slip into the sky,
And becoming birds, fly and fly.
We whispered of it, Graduation -
Directly between joy and sorrow.
We won't forget Graduation.
We will surely meet again,
And, unable to stop, we'll cry and cry.
Set out walking at Graduation,
You will always be yourself.
I just realized they made Leader sing the old people line. Oh, Leader, they tease you so much…
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