Sunday, March 16, 2008

I want to make you shining smile

Doped up on pain medication from the dentist, the flight and first evening were spent in a surreal fog, wondering "Am I really in Japan?" At one point I was honestly worried whether I had a job waiting for me, and had to keep checking my visa because they wouldn't have given me one if I didn't have a company sponsoring me.

I slept off and on on the plane (next to a woman from the Philipines who prayed on take-off and landing), I watched Juno (sweet but somehow dissatisfying), I ate shrimp for the first time (hideous but inoffensive). Neither immigration nor customs gave me more than a glance. The person who was supposed to meet me as I walked out of the gate didn't, and I wandered at least an hour getting progressively more worried. Four wheels on a suitcase is a brilliant idea, providing one has not fallen off in transit and left a three-wheeled, lopsided mass for you to drag around.

Once I found my escort (busy escorting others to the bus) we drove to the hotel. The weather and the buildings in Narita look a lot like Seattle/ We're in an elegant building with a tacky light show going on in front, hundreds of neon blue flashing xmas lights. The other ALTs are reassuringly young and awkward like me, but very nice. My roommate actually was at the same NOVA interview as I, before that ship sank.

The company pays for breakfast and lunch, so for the latter I ordered tonkatsu which I've been having a craving for lately. As you would guess, Japanese food in Japan far exceeds its American equivalent. Even the miso, which I can usually take or leave, is incredible. I am a big fan of there being as much green tea as I can drink.

There's a TV in the room but so far it has yielded nothing exceptional, although there appears to be a 24-hour enka channel, and every celebrity I recognize is like an old friend. The toilets have heated seats, make automatic flushing sounds, and have optional spray features which I've so far been too nervous to try. The hotel provides complimentary yukata, which I am about to don after a quick shower.


Beeniac said...

Hi Em,
Did your suitcase lose a wheel?
It is under warranty, if you think we can install a new one, I'll write the company. Would you check to make sure
the housing is not cracked?

Is your dental work still hurting?

Love you lots!

Beeniac said...

Hi Em,
What's Enka?

Grandma emailed and asked for your blog address. I'm not sure I have her email right, so it may not have gotten to her.
If you don't see a comment from her in a few days, maybe send her an email.

Beeniac said...

Hi Em,
Did anyone celebrate St. Patrick's Day yesterday?

Grouchy said...

I'm so relived you have landed and are settling in. Quick update; Gramdma's email was correct and she really enjoyed reading your blog (she forwarded your blog address to me, so I hope you don't mind a lurker). She said to let you know she will comment as soon as she figures it out. If she doesn't figure it out in a day or two I will go help her, but I think it will be pretty easy. Maybe it's a family thing, but despite all planning and preparation, I think schlepping malfunctioning luggage through the airport in a pain killer induced haze seems to be how we usually have to do it.
We're anxious to hear about the new job, we may be more excited than you.